2015(e)ko ekainaren 22(a), astelehena

Ortuko publizitate-liburuxka

Argudio-testuak eta honen barruan publizitate-testuak eman ondoren aplikazio jarduera bat egin dugu. 
Eskola-baratza proiektuaren barruan ustezko kontsumo-taldea sortu dugu eta horretarako publizitate-liburuxkak egin ditugu taldeka. Batzuk euskeraz eta beste batzuk gaztelaniaz. 

2015(e)ko ekainaren 15(a), astelehena


Geometria ikasgaia lantzen ari ginenez, ortuaren tangram bat egin dugu azalera osoa irudi geometriko desberdinetan zatituz. Horretarako lehenengo ortura joan gara neurketak egitera eta gero perimetro eta azalera desberdinak kalkulatuz, ortuaren azalera osoa kalkulatu dugu.

1.DBH-koei eskola-baratza proiektua aurkezten.

Gaur1.DBH-ko gela desberdinetan, eskola-baratza proiektua aurkezten egon gara. Lehenengo, gelan gure bideoak erakutsi ditugu eta gero ortura jeitsi zuzenean azaltzera.

ortuko fauna

ikasturte hasieran, ortuan ibili ginanean, ortuko fauna ikusi genuen. Orain animali horiei buruzko power pointa egin dugu.

2015(e)ko ekainaren 14(a), igandea

An interview to Samuel Sanchez

An interview to Samuel Sanchez

What should every person try at least once in her life? Andar en bicicleta
What is the best advice you have been given?Tenia que  serpositivo siempre pasara lo que pasara
Who do you follow on twitter?No tengo twitte
What is your favourite word? Ganar
What turns you on?Andar rápido en la bicicleta
What sound do you love? Cuando suena la canción champions
If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would say to them? Le conocería a Marco Pantani le diría que me enseñara a subir las cuestas rápido
If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would tell her/him?
La misma persona y le diría lo mismo
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you? Una bicicleta ,una moto y un casco

2015(e)ko ekainaren 9(a), asteartea



Villa is a person who loves football.  He hates cats because he has allergy to them.
He is worried about being fit. He is annoyed when he loses matches. He feels embarrassed when he has to play with video games. He is frightened by being injured. He loves much basketball.

What is on your bookshelf?
In my bookshelf there are pencils, folders and books.

What are the last three items you’ve bought?
I’ve bought a car, two television sets for boys and 4 bicycles for the family.

What is the best gift you've ever received?
A bouquet of flowers

What is your least favourite word?

What turns you off?
the wind

What sound do you hate?
the sound of an engine

If you were an animal, what would you be?
A lion

If you had the option to do a long travel, where would you go?
To Finlandia

If you had the chance to meet a celebrity for a day, who would you choose?


2015(e)ko ekainaren 3(a), asteazkena

Geobiologia tailerra

Bi ordu entretenigarriak eduki genituen geobiologiari buruz eta gehien gustatu zitzaiguna praktika egitera irten ginenean izan zen.

Geobiologia tailerra from ipintza BHI on Vimeo.

Geobiologia, toki konkretu batetan lurrak (geos) izaki bizidunengan (bios) duen eragina aztertzen duen zientzia da .Gune neutroek edozein izaki bizidun, landare, animalia nahiz gizakiri, bizitasuna ematen diote eta interesgarria da gune hauek gure ortuan, eraikuntzetan ,aurkitzea batez ere denbora luzez egon behar den tokietan. Norberaren sentikortasunaren arabera hagatxoen bidez lurrarekin dugun lotura ezagutzeko aukera izan genuen Migel Albenizen eskutik.